Prepare Your vases:
When your flowers arrive, they will be wrapped in packaging that seals moisture and keeps the flowers at optimum temperature while in transit. Be sure to prepare your vases—and make certain that they’re large enough to house some bountiful blooms. Another option is to select several smaller vases if you’d like to scatter them throughout a room or throughout the entire house.
Cut the stems:
Once you’ve unboxed the flowers and removed their packaging, grab your shears! We recommend cutting between one and two inches off the stem or however much you need in order to arrange the flowers nicely in the vase. This will not only assist in the visual element of flower arranging, but it will also help keep the blooms fresh.
Remove extra leaves:
You’ll want to remove the leaves that sit below the neck of the vase. If any leaves are left underwater, they can rot and stink. Clipping them from the lower part of the stems also creates a cleaner look when flower arranging.
Spin the stems:
If you’d like to open up the flowers a bit without waiting a couple days, try spinning the stems between your hands. This will open them up significantly—and while they’ll continue to open until day three or four, you’ll now get to enjoy the brilliance of their colors even longer with the use of this nifty little trick.
Arrange your flowers to fit your visual aesthetic:
You may enjoy bountiful arrangements of blooms. You may prefer your stems scattered throughout the house. Or you may opt to keep a few and gift a few to your friends. Regardless, we recommend that you decide how many arrangements you’d like to create and then go from there. When creating your arrangements, select longer stems to sit in the middle of your vase, while surrounding them with the shorter stems—clipping as needed. If you have an arrangement that will show from the front only, then arrange the tallest stems in the back and the shortest stems in the front. If your blooms will be seen from all angles, then carefully arrange your shorter stems at varying heights around the longer stems in the middle—making certain that the arrangement looks visually appealing and balanced all the way around.
We hope these tips on how to arrange flowers come in handy.
They will not only assist in the visual appeal of your arrangements, but they will impact their longevity as well. Of course, we also include packets of flower food and recommend changing out the water every few days to ensure your flowers remain fresh. Happy flower arranging!