Pink Lady

Title: Blissful
A blushing bouquet guaranteed to leave them smitten.  Blissful consists of multiple shades of our speciality pink roses.  Perfect for romantic gestures, birthday surprises and first loves.  Vase not included.
Plan ahead - Schedule deliveries 6 months in advance.

Next Day Delivery - Order by 2pm EST Mon-Fri.

Title: Blissful

Product information

Product Information

A blushing bouquet guaranteed to leave them smitten. Our Pink Lady consists of multiple shades of our speciality pink roses. Perfect for romantic gestures, birthday surprises and first loves. Vase not included.


Va Va Voom Roses, Pink Petal Roses, Chroma Roses, Ribbon Roses, Hot Pink Roses, Pink Stock, Queen Annes's Lace, and Ruscus.


For now, our arrangements come in one size and one size only: abundant. Need a bigger vase? Add one to your order at checkout.


Each and every flower in our arrangements are freshly cut from our family-owned farms in Medellín, Quito, and Bogotá. Our farms are strategically located near the equator to best suit the particular needs of each variety.

Freshness Guarantee

We carefully raise our flowers to last for at least seven days. If your blooms aren’t up to par, we’ll help make it right. Need help? Check out our FAQ section or email


Please select your desired delivery date upon checkout. We currently offer delivery Tuesday - Saturday only, to ensure you receive our freshest products. We are working closely with our partners to enable same-day as well as Sunday and Monday delivery for the future.


All orders are shipped national next day express, in a well-packed gift box via our third party carrier partner. We know this is a special package, so we'll keep you up to date with the status of your precious cargo via a tracking number once your order has shipped.